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The effect of cooperative learning method on the students’ writing skill in recount text at the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 25 Kabupaten Tangerang in academic year 2018/2019

The effect of cooperative learning method on the students’ writing skill in recount text at the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 25 Kabupaten Tangerang in academic year 2018/2019

The goal of this research is to find the objective condition from the effect
of cooperative learning method in the students’ writing skill of job application
letter.This research is quantitative research using cooperative learningmethod.
Subject of this research are 72 students in class X SMA Negeri 25
KabupatenTangerang. The researcher used purposive sampling technique to
determine the sample.
The data of Independent variable ( X ) was used cooperative learning
methodand the data of Dependent variable ( Y ) was collected from test write
students’ writing skill. The data analysis technique and testing of hypothesis was
done by SPSS version 22. The result of signification test between variable X and
Y, has been found sig= 0,209 and ttable to = 0,05 was gotten ttable 4,369. Thus
testing criteria refuse H0 if counted > ttable, because tcount 4,369> ttable1,667, so Ho is
accepted. It is meant there is a significant correlation between cooperative
learning and writing skill and the level of the correlation was high.
Therefore, it could be concluded that there was a positive the effect of
cooperative learning method in writing skill of job application letter for the tenth
grade students of SMA Negeri 25 Kabupaten Tangerang.


Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab Fakhrizal Hafidz
Pengarang Fakhrizal Hafidz - Personal Name
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil REF BI1804707 FAK t
Subyek Writing Skill
Purposive Sampling
Quantitative Research
Klasifikasi BI1804707
Judul Seri
GMD Text
Bahasa English
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan / Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Tahun Terbit 2018
Tempat Terbit TANGERANG
Deskripsi Fisik xvi + 48 hlm.; 30 cm
Info Detil Spesifik


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