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Students perception on the use blended learning in english for survival second semester college students at english language education deparment faculty of teacher training and education UNIVERSITAS ISLAM SYEKH YUSUF

Students perception on the use blended learning in english for survival second semester college students at english language education deparment faculty of teacher training and education UNIVERSITAS ISLAM SYEKH YUSUF

The campus policy that leads to the move from online learning to blended learning
creates its own polemic for students. This study aims to determine students'
perceptions of the implementation of blended learning in the second semester
English Education major at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training,
Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf. The method used in this research is and
qualitative methods. The data in this study were obtained through questionnaires
through Google Form and interviews through in-person meetings. The analysis in
this study uses source triangulation and is presented in a descriptive analysis. The
results in this study found that the perceptions of English Education study
program students tend to be positive and have more value on time efficiency with
blended learning. The negative side of blended learning experienced by students
leads to enthusiasm for some courses and the way lecturers teach. The
implementation of blended learning received positive responses from students
especially in time efficiency and flexibility. The ease of accessing materials and
information about lectures is a very influential positive point. The negative
response about blended learning leads to the limited interaction between students
and lecturers especially when the online class is in progress which is caused by
many factors such as signal or interference from outside parties.


Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab Fadhilatul Zuhairiah 1905020064
Pengarang Fadhilatul Zuhairiah - Personal Name
Lastry Forsia - Personal Name
Nirna Nirmala - Personal Name
Sri Lestari - Personal Name
Hery Nuraini - Personal Name
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil REF BI2306407 FAD s
Subyek perception
blended learning
online learning
Klasifikasi BI2306407
Judul Seri
GMD Text
Bahasa English
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan / Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Tahun Terbit 2023
Tempat Terbit TANGERANG
Deskripsi Fisik ix +95hlm :30cm
Info Detil Spesifik Pembimbing 1:Hery Nuraini410530307/Pembimbing 2:Lastry Forsia410530402/Penguji 1:Nirna Nirmala/Penguji 2:Sri Lestari/Penguji 3:Hery Nuraini410530307


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