The correlation between students’ simple past tense tastery and their writing skills in recount text (The Correlation Study to the Eleventh Grade of SMK Setia Bhakti Kota Tangerang in Academic Year 2020-2021)
The purpose of this study is to know the correlation between students‟ simple
past tense mastery (X) and their writing skills in recount text (Y) at eleventh grade of
SMK Setia Bhakti Kota Tangerang in academic year 2020/2021. There were 28
students taken as the sample of this study who were determined by using purposive
sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed by using Pearson Product
Moment Correlation and the instruments used were students‟ writing test in recount
text and test of students‟ simple past tense mastery. Subsequently, the research
finding indicated that there is moderate correlation between students‟ simple past
tense mastery and their writing skills in recount text. It is considered that alternative
hypothesis (Ha) in this research is rejected and the null hypothesis (Ho) which stated
that there is correlation between students‟ simple past tense mastery and their writing
skills is accepted. In conclusion, the result of hypothesis test between students‟
simple past tense mastery and writing skills in recount text of the eleventh grade at
SMK Setia Bhakti Kota Tangerang shows a positive correlation. There is moderate
correlation between students‟ simple past tense mastery and their writing skills in
recount text at SMK Setia Bhakti Kota Tangerang with r-coef=0,451. However,
students should improve the way of study, use perfectly time, practice, and had good
literature to read tense mastery and English book. In writing, students are very
suggested to read a book. In order the students familiar with conversational English
language support.
Detail Information
Bagian |
Informasi |
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
Febri Rumanto 1605020076 |
Pengarang |
Febri Rumanto - Personal Name Achmad Fachrurrozy - Personal Name Irmala Sukendra - Personal Name Isnaniah - Personal Name Tania Ramalia - Personal Name
Edisi |
No. Panggil |
REF BI2007607 FEB t |
Subyek |
Correlation Study Writing Skills recount text, simple past tense mastery
Klasifikasi |
BI2007607 |
Judul Seri |
Bahasa |
English |
Penerbit |
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan / Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris |
Tahun Terbit |
2020 |
Tempat Terbit |
Deskripsi Fisik |
xii + 70 hlm, ;30 cm |
Info Detil Spesifik |
Pembimbing 1 : Irmala Sukendra 410530118 / Pembimbing 2 : Achmad Fachrurrozy 410530221 / Penguji 1 : Irmala Sukendra 410530118 / Penguji 2 : Tenia Ramalia 410530302 / Penguji 3 : Isnaniah 410530218 |