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The effect of writing self-efficacy intervention in teaching writing at the tenth grade of SMAN 14 Kota Tangerang in academic year 2020/2021

The effect of writing self-efficacy intervention in teaching writing at the tenth grade of SMAN 14 Kota Tangerang in academic year 2020/2021

The aim of this research was to know whether there is a significant effect
of self-efficacy on writing skill. Also to determine which one is dominant
between self-efficacy and writing skill. This research is quantitative design, 30
students as the sample which taken non-random by using quasi experimental
research with one group. Students’ test and questionnaire was used by the writer
to collect data. The hypothesis data was using Wilcoxon Non-Parametric with
one sample. It was known that Test Statistic' Asymp.sig (2-tailed) worth 0.000
smaller < 0.005. It can be concluded that "Ha is accepted". There is a difference
between a student's writing skills at the time of pre-test and post-test. So it can
also be concluded that there is an effect of writing self-efficacy intervention on
writing skills at the tenth grade at SMAN 14 Kota Tangerang. Then, it was also
known from the percentages students’ post test 100% can pass writing skill.
Moreover, students’ self-efficacy intervention was good with the percentages
Keyword: Writing Skill, Self-Efficacy Intervention


Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab Marisa Afti Mutia 1605020049
Pengarang Marisa Afti Mutia - Personal Name
Hery Nuraini - Personal Name
Agus Mulyana - Personal Name
Nirna Nirmala - Personal Name
Achmad Fachrurrozy - Personal Name
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil REF BI2004907 MAR t
Subyek Writing Skill
Self-Efficacy Intervention
Klasifikasi BI2004907
Judul Seri
GMD Text
Bahasa English
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Tahun Terbit 2020
Tempat Terbit TANGERANG
Deskripsi Fisik ix + 48 hlm.; 30 cm
Info Detil Spesifik Pembimbing 1 : Agus Mulyana 410520506 / Pembimbing 2 : Hery Nuraini 410530307 / Penguji 1 : Agus Mulyana 410520506 / Penguji 2 : Nirna Nirmala / Penguji 3 :Achmad Fachrurrozy


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