Tindak pidana tanpa hak dan melawan hukum memiliki dan menyimpan narkotika golongan 1 bukan tanaman (studi kasus putusan pengadilan negeri serang nomor : 926 / pid.sus/2021/pn Srg)
Indonesia, the development of narcotics crime is very rapid, it becomes aserious threat to global security which can damage the nation's image and damageto future generations if narcotics are misused in their use. Related tothewidespread cases, the researcher aims to find out the application of the lawimposed on those who possess and store narcotics, accountability for material
criminal penalties and consideration of the Panel of Judges' decisions on crimeswithout rights and against the law possessing and storing Narcotics CategoryI isnot a plant in Decision Number: 926/Pid.Sus/2021/PN.Srg. The method usedinthis research is normative law with descriptive research nature. The researchdataused are in the form of legislation, books and other literature related tothisresearch. Data collection techniques based on literature, field observations andinterviews. The results of the research that has been carried out are the applicationof the law for those who have or store narcotics based on Article 112 of LawNumber 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a criminal threat for theperpetrators of imprisonment for 4 (four) years and a maximumof 12 (twelve)
years and a minimum fine of Rp.800,000,000.00 (eight hundred million rupiah)
and a maximum of Rp.,00 (eight billion rupiah). The large number
of narcotics owned also determines criminal sanctions for perpetrators, while thethreat of imprisonment is a minimum of 5 (five) years and a maximumof 20(twenty) years. Material criminal responsibility and consideration of the judge'sdecision against the perpetrator is in accordance with the applicable legal ruleswhich state that the perpetrator is legally and convincingly proven guiltyof
committing a crime without rights and against the law of possessing and storingnarcotics class I, not plants.
Detail Information
Bagian |
Informasi |
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
Arwanda Kusuma 2007020077 |
Pengarang |
Arwanda Kusuma - Personal Name Mustofa Kamil - Personal Name Hasnah Aziz - Personal Name Edi Mulyadi - Personal Name
Edisi |
No. Panggil |
REF MIH2207715 ARW t |
Subyek |
Narkotika Tanaman
Klasifikasi |
MIH2207715 |
Judul Seri |
Text |
Bahasa |
Indonesia |
Penerbit |
Program Pascasarjana / Magister Ilmu Hukum |
Tahun Terbit |
2022 |
Tempat Terbit |
Deskripsi Fisik |
x + 99 hlm.; 30 cm |
Info Detil Spesifik |
Pembimbing 1 : Mustofa Kamil 9116104 / Pembimbing 2 : Hasnah Aziz 03280860045 / Penguji 1 : Hasnah Aziz / Penguji 2 : Mustofa Kamil / Penguji 3 : Edi Mulyadi |