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Presented to the english language education department of Faculty of teacher training and education of islamic University of syekh yusuf tangerang as the fulfillment of Requirement for sarjana pendidikan

Presented to the english language education department of Faculty of teacher training and education of islamic University of syekh yusuf tangerang as the fulfillment of Requirement for sarjana pendidikan

In recent years, globalization has worldwide. This one impacts the education
world as well. English is one of the parts of the globalization age which has a big
role in supporting the globalization era. Particularly in the learning process. Basic
English is one of the things that should be learned by the students well. This
research aimed at presenting the effect and the students’ responses of using gamebased learning through English Pop Quiz as media to engage students’ interest in
learning vocabulary. Thirty-nine students in the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 3
Kabupaten Tangerang participated for four weeks. This research emphasizes the
quantitative of pre-experimental method to obtain the research data and answer
the research questions. The research result revealed that the Null hypothesis is
rejected and the Alternative hypothesis is accepted. As well as the result of
questionnaire students’ perceptions that have a positive impact on it.
Unfortunately, it is different with the result of the observation checklist which
stated inconsistent scores. After all, it can be concluded that there is a significant
effect of the use of game-based learning through English Pop Quiz on students’
vocabulary achievement.


Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab Nur Aina Agustin 1805020008
Pengarang Nur Aina Agustin - Personal Name
: Khusaini - Personal Name
Imam Sudarmaji - Personal Name
Khusaini - Personal Name
Tenia Ramalia - Personal Name
Nina Nirmala - Personal Name
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil REF BI2200807 NUR p
Subyek Fulfillment
Klasifikasi BI2200807
Judul Seri
Bahasa English
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan / Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Tahun Terbit 2022
Tempat Terbit TANGERANG
Deskripsi Fisik xii+ 57 hlm.; 28 cm
Info Detil Spesifik Pembimbing 1 : Khusaini 410520140 / Pembimbing 2 : Imam Sudarmaji 41053029 / Penguji 1 : Khusaini / Penguji 2 : Nina Nirmala / Penguji 3 : Tenia Ramalia


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