Peer review journal engaging perceived value towards political marketing mix for head of region voting decision
This study aims to determine and analyze the role of perceived value in influencing political marketing mix on voting decision for Head of Region in the Election
of Governor and Deputy Governor of Banten in 2017. The population of this
study involves people who have the rights to vote in Banten and are kept on the
permanent voter list. Sample of this study consists of 664 respondents, in which
most of the respondents include casual workers, outsourcing, casual daily laborers,
housewives, and workers who do not need special skills. The proportional random
sampling technique was utilized in determining the number of respondents. SEM
(Structural Equation Modeling) was conducted by applying WarpPLS 6.0. The results of the study indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between political marketing mix and perceived value concerning the voting decision,
as demonstrated by positive and significant effect on perceived value. The findings
confirmed that political marketing mix influenced the decision to elect a Head of
Region mediated by perceived value. To improve the decision to vote, the researchers believe/suggest that providing attention to political products such as branding
of political candidates, is thus deemed necessary.
Detail Information
Bagian |
Informasi |
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
Asep Ferry Bastian |
Pengarang |
Asep Ferry Bastian - Personal Name
Edisi |
Publish |
No. Panggil |
Subyek |
marketing Politics Decision Perceived Value
Klasifikasi |
Judul Seri |
Text |
Bahasa |
English |
Penerbit |
Bussines Perspective |
Tahun Terbit |
2019 |
Tempat Terbit |
Ukraine |
Deskripsi Fisik |
14-26 hlm. |
Info Detil Spesifik |
Innovative Marketing, Volume 15, Issue 4, 2019, ISSN (p) 1814-2427, ISSN (e) 1816-6326, Official URL: |