The effect of whatsapp applications to improve speaking skills at tenth grade of SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang Academic Year of 2020/2021
This study aims at improving the speaking skills at tenth grade of SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang academic year of 2020/2021. WhatsApp Application were used in this study. This study is pre-experimental research. The data of this study is quantitative. The data were collected in the pre-test and post-test in the form of scores. The sample of this study are 40 students of X IPS 3 SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang academic year 2020/2021. In the pre-test, the lowest score was 10 and the highest was 95 with a mean of 40.15 and a standard deviation of 18.937. And in the post-test score, the lowest score is 60 and the highest is 95 with a mean of 77.20 and a standard deviation of 7.796. The result of statistical calculation of the t-test shows that the result is
Detail Information
Bagian |
Informasi |
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
Pengarang |
Anisa Anggita Putri - Personal Name
Edisi |
No. Panggil |
REF BI2107307 ANI t |
Subyek |
Speaking Skill Improving WhatsApp Application
Klasifikasi |
BI2107307 |
Judul Seri |
Text |
Bahasa |
English |
Penerbit |
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan / Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris |
Tahun Terbit |
2021 |
Tempat Terbit |
Deskripsi Fisik |
Info Detil Spesifik |