Students’ perceived challenges toward english e-learning during covid-19 pandemic (students' survey at eleventh grade SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang in Academic Year 2020/2021)
Learning activity in Indonesia has been modified significantly by an unexpected and fast transformation to E-learning, which have been done via virtual platform since the pandemic Coronavirus Disease in 2019 (Covid-19). The aim of this research is to investigate the correlation of E-Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic on students' challenges towards learning English at Eleventh Grade of SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang in academic year 2020/2021. This research adopted a quantitative approach to describe and explore the challenges experienced by Eleventh class students through cross-sectional surveys. The population (N = 367) and the sample (n = 79) was selected through simple random sampling. To collect the data from respondents the writer using a questionnaire through Google Form. Statistic results showed that students felt the English skill does not improving during learning through E-Learning in the Covid-19 pandemic. Students are less motivated and lack enthusiasm with learning English through E-Learning. In addition, the ineffectiveness of this learning system also makes some students lazy to learn because they get distraction from family members during long distance study session from home.
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